Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Today was one of those days when it's hard to focus the camera because the viewfinder is fogging up. I don't like those kinds of days. I don't think the bugs do, either.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
Thorn mimic treehopper nymphs. They really should be called unicorn bugs.

They were clustered on the stem of a goldenrod plant.

As with many insects that suck the juices from plants, these secrete honeydew, a sugary liquid that ants eat, and so there were ants watching over them.

Other Bugs:
 And speaking of insects that suck plant juices and secrete honeydew... I have never seen so many aphids as I have this year. What's odd is that last year I hardly saw any. I know people don't generally like them, but I think they're kind of interesting. And if they want to suck the life out of invasive plants, as these are doing, it's find with me.

 Another mystery has been solved! I found out what this is from reading the account of someone else who found a leaf like this and put it in a jar to see what would come out of the chrysalides: it was tiny wasps. Which is what I expected.

I felt so adamantly that there should be bugs on the milkweed flowers that when I found there were none I waited around in the milkweed patch for about five minutes until some showed up. There were a few bees:
 Honey bee


I think this is a hoary edge skipper butterfly. It's a new one for me. I guess that means it should be Backyard Co-Bug of the Day #2.

 Arachnid Appreciation:
Spider on milkweed buds

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