Tuesday, June 2, 2020

I Wish

Today during my bug walk I wished for a specific bug to appear, and it did, so I promptly wished for a few things of much greater importance, but it didn't work for those things. So... I didn't get world peace, but I got a Backyard Bug of the Day:
 I'm not kidding about the wishes. I'd not had much luck in finding bugs on my bug walk, probably because I left it until too late in the day, and while I stood there looking at the dame's rocket flowers in bloom, I thought about this species of moth, which I saw feeding on these flowers last year around this time, and I wished one would show up, and less than a second later, there is was. It's a hummingbird moth, specifically a nessus sphinx moth.

 I should have wished that I could get really close to it, and get really good pictures.

 Check out the curly proboscis.

Other Bugs:
 There were quite a lot of bumblebees, all feeding on invasive flowers. It's always bittersweet to see that. I am constantly trying to get rid of invasive plants, because they are not healthy for the ecosystem overall, but they are providing food for bees.

 Lady beetle, surrounded by aphids, which is to say, surrounded by food, because that is what lady beetles eat.


Arachnid Appreciation:
 I don't know what's going on here, predation, or a passionate spider embrace.

 The one underneath was having no problem walking around (and trying to get away from the camera).

 But then... it got confusing.

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