Monday, June 15, 2020

Itty, Bitty Babies

All babies are cute, right? I sometimes think that nature proves that–I think slugs are revolting, but baby slugs are actually pretty cute, even though they look just like adult slugs. They're just... cuter. And it's the case with insects sometimes, too, like "baby" preying mantises:
 Look at this adorable, little predatory insect!

 I found two of them today. This one was about twice the size of the other.

 Adorable "baby" leaf hopper

 Okay, so maybe "baby" lady beetles aren't so sweet, but this one looks like its just about ready to pupate, so it's more like a teenager.

One "baby" insect that just gives me the creeps is today's Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Hover fly larva. You can probably guess what they eat from the picture. What I've never understood is how they eat, or even which end they eat with. I also don't understand how they move. But they plant themselves among a bunch of aphids and begin devouring them.

 The strange thing is, aphids are often tended to by ants; the ants eat the sugary secretion of the aphids, honeydew, and in return the ants protect the aphids from predators. Except they don't really seem to notice hover fly larvae. They just walk on by–or over–these predators that are devouring the ants' food source.

Other Bugs:
And speaking of hover flies, and their babies... These two are making more. It's a strange standoff here...

 Four lined plant bug

 This tiny bug is still eating the same flower.

Sweat bee on daisy fleabane

Arachnid Appreciation:
I know it's a terrible picture, but the spider would not sit still for more, and it's such a pretty jumping spider that I just had to share it.

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