Monday, November 21, 2016

A New Season, All of a Sudden

Winter arrived rather suddenly yesterday. After nice, almost summery weather all last week, the weather yo-yo's string snapped, and the yo-yo went plummeting down a well. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but there was (and this is a guess, because I don't have exact numbers) about a twenty-five degree difference in high temperature from Saturday to Sunday. I know it could have been worse - in some parts of the country it was in the mid 60's on Saturday and they got a foot of snow on Sunday, but it's still pretty unpleasant to have such a sudden change for the worse. I am not at all acclimated. Now, the reason I don't know exactly what happened in my backyard yesterday is because I was out all day - I left just after dawn when the temperature was around 39ºF. I came home (after dark) at 6:30, and it was 34ºF. I don't know how warm it got in between, but based on how cold it was where I did spend the day, it cannot have been much better than the low 40s.

Anyway, today the temperature never climbed out of the 30s, and I saw no point in doing a bug walk. But I do have a Backyard Bug of the Day:
 I don't know what it is, exactly, but it looks like some kind of fly.

The reason I found it, because I did not do a bug walk, was because of this:
 Yes. Snow. We only got flurries, but it did indeed snow this afternoon. And when I went outside to look at the falling snow I spotted the Backyard Bug of the Day on the cover of the barbecue grill.

And then as I was going back into the house I saw this little moth, still hanging out on the wall of the porch.

This is very likely to be the only blog post this week, because the weather is not going to be bug-friendly. But that's just the forecast, so you never know what will actually happen. I will certainly be here with bug pictures if there is anything to show you.

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