Thursday, November 8, 2018


Most of the leaves came down last weekend, so the sunny days this week seemed extra sunny in the backyard because there was must less shade. There are a few trees still holding on, but the wooded paths that wander around my backyard now have a carpet of brown, yellow, and orange leaves instead of a canopy of green. It is a completely different atmosphere. I prefer the leaves on the trees, I have made that very clear, but I do enjoy walking through the thick leaf litter. Now, though, when I walk I hope that I am not squishing anything that is hiding out there. It is more pleasant to think of things being curled up and cozy in that habitat.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 March fly. Male. I was hoping to find male and female today to show the difference, but I only found 3, and this was the only one that would let me take its picture. I didn't see any swarms today, either. Anyway, the male has huge eyes that basically make up his entire head. When I find a female I'll post a picture of that, too. So, they weren't swarming today, and they weren't basking on leaves, and normally I would wonder where they all are, but I suspect they were hiding out in the leaf litter, based on what I read about them yesterday. Although, it was a sunny day, and not cold (low 50s), so I don't know why they wouldn't be sunning themselves. I suspect I might have waited until too late in the afternoon to do my bug walk, when the sun was low in the sky, and not so conducive to basking.

If they didn't like today's weather, they are really not going to like the days late next week when the high is only in the 30s. I know I am not going to like that.

Other Bugs:
 I saw a lot of flies today. Actually, I saw a lot of things flying today, not the swarms of yesterday, but just a lot of little things zipping through the air. This was the only one that obliged me by landing and staying still for half a second.

 A couple of days ago this was Backyard Bug of the Day, and I found it on the outside of a flower bud of the chrysanthemums. Now the bud is open, and it's inside the flower.

 The mums were much less popular today. Only one bee.

 This little crane fly is hard to see.

Ladybeetle on goldenrod that is not golden anymore.

 This one's a bit easier.

Arachnid Appreciation:
There was spider thread all over the backyard today, strung among leafless plant stems, but I didn't see many spiders. I only got a picture of this one:

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