Wednesday, April 25, 2018

New Neighbors

It rained all day today, which is kind of unusual. In the almost 4 years I have been writing this blog it has been very rare for there to be a day when the rain didn't stop for at least a few minutes when I could go outside and look for bugs. But today it was at least drizzling all day, and even pouring at times, with some thunder in the evening. It was a really spring-showers kind of day. Very April.

And speaking of spring (which I know I do pretty much incessantly lately), there was a sign of spring on my porch this morning. When I went out to get the mail, as soon as I opened the door I saw that there was a mess on my porch. For about a second I wondered what the heck was going on, but it only took a second to realize why there were dry leaves, bits of lichen, and dried grasses strewn all over the porch. And the reason is that robins are messy when they are building their nests:
 I think that robins build a few nests and then decide which one to use, so this doesn't mean that they will be raising chicks on my porch again. If they do, we'll have to start using the back door for a while. I hadn't seen any sign of nest-building activity before today, so I think they built this whole thing this morning, which is pretty impressive. And they aren't the only contractors who didn't bother to clean up the mess after they were done.

Fortunately, I didn't have to go outside to find bugs, because one came inside to visit. This was wandering around near the couch last night (after midnight, that's why it's on today's blog). I got a couple of pictures, and then it scurried away into hiding before I could get the bug catcher to put it outside, so it's probably still wandering around in here somewhere.
Ground beetle.

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