Saturday, September 12, 2015

Brain Wracked

I've been wracking my brain trying to come up with something interesting to say today, and I have come up with nothing, so, let's just get on with looking at the cool bugs.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 A caterpillar that I think is new for me. I haven't been able to find out what it is, but I am pretty sure it is not an American Dagger Moth or a Spotted Apatelodes, which are other species of fuzzy, yellow caterpillars.

 It was chowing down on this plant pretty happily, and I found it right at the start of my bug walk. I figured I would check up on it at the end of my walk, but by the time I was done, it was gone. No sign of it. Caterpillars can be pretty fast...

Random Bugs:

 Up close it may not look like it, but from a distance this assassin bug nymph did a pretty convincing impersonation of a small leaf.


 Dew bee. (Just kidding. That is not the name of this bee. But it was very dewy this morning).


 Cricket. Female, I think.


 We've reached the time of year when I find a lot of random bug wings sitting on leaves. I still have not found out why.


 I don't know if a white hickory tussock moth shed its skin on the ground (usually they do this on tree trunks, I think), or it this fell off a leaf.

 There is a moth in this picture.

 I guess when spider webs are covered with dew it is safe for bugs to hop on them?



 Tiny moth

 Remember this critter from a week ago? I found it again. It is till pretty small, but is about twice the size it was last week.

Arachnid Appreciation:
 Building a web...

 Did I mention that there was a lot of dew this morning?

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