Thursday, October 15, 2020


 When it's windy, or even breezy, in my backyard, I sometimes have to stand and wait for there to be a lull in the wind so I can take a picture. There is usually a stillness of a few seconds between gusts when I can get a shot or two off, so I know if I am patient I will have opportunities. Not today. Today patience was not enough. The wind was ferociously persistent. I enjoyed the wild drama of it, but boy did it make photography difficult. It was calmer when I went out to get the mail, and I noticed how loudly the many crickets were singing. But about a half an hour later, when I went out to do my bug walk, the wind had picked up, and it roared so loud that I couldn't hear the crickets anymore. It's calm out there tonight, though, and warm, and the crickets are back to their cacophonic ways.

I don't have a Backyard Bug of the Day today. I don't really have much of anything today.

Wait, no, I changed my mind. Backyard Bug of the Day:

Planthopper. I could not find this species in my book, but I think with the red eye it is a different species than one that has been BBotD already this year. I don't know anything about how planthoppers lay eggs, but I suspect that's what this one was doing. That white thing underneath her was grabbed onto the tree bark and pulsing. I'll try to remember to look there tomorrow to see if there is anything there.

Other Bugs:

This aster plant was again the most popular in the backyard. However, it was also being wind-tossed, so I didn't get pictures of most of the bugs on it. Just this beetle.



Stinkbug I found on my woods walk

Arachnid Appreciation:












Jumping spider

Crab spider

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