Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Chorus

On all of these days when I am walking around the backyard, having trouble finding any bugs, I think about the fact that I am probably surrounded by a million of them that I am just not seeing. And in fact I know that there are bugs out there that I am not seeing, because I can hear them. Day and night there is still a chorus of crickets and katydids of different species, that I can hear, even though I hardly ever see them. Right now it is pretty chilly out - in the low 40s and falling, so the cricket chorus is quieter than it has been on recent nights when it's been much milder, but there are still crickets singing out there in the dark. Unfortunately, by Saturday night the chorus will be silenced, at least at night. Tomorrow night is supposed to be in the 30s, and Saturday and Sunday are forecast to be in the 20s. Below freezing the crickets won't be singing - though they will perk up during the day when it is a little bit warmer (but still chilly). Alas for my poor morning glories when the frost comes...

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Juvenile tree cricket

Random Bugs:
 Yes, another looper...

 An unusual angle on a crane fly. I saw quite a lot of these flying around today.

Arachnid Appreciation:

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