Saturday, August 1, 2015

Come a Little Closer...

Let's just look at bugs, okay?

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 I think this is some sort of beetle. It's a new one for me, so, YAY!

 Its face looks like an ant, though.

 There is an ambush bug that hangs out on this particular flower (you can see it near the top of the picture, lurking), and when I saw a hopper on the flower, I thought that was a bad place for the hopper to be.

 When I moved in closer for a better picture (never did get one, sorry about that), the hopper walked up the petal, even closer to the ambush bug (in background near the top again).

 It moved around a bit, getting closer and closer to the ambush bug...

 And eventually hid under this petal. The ambush bug never moved. I was relieved. It would have been my fault if the hopper got eaten.

Speaking of hoppers...
 Here's one on a milkweed plant. A beetle, too.

  Here's another one on a milkweed plant, with a mite. Can't see the mite?

How about now (it's in a different spot in this shot. And the camera is on the wrong setting, so the hopper looks white, not blue).

 Another hopper

Random Bugs:
 Sometimes when there are a lot of moths on the porch, a few will sneak in the house when you open the door. I found this one on my book last night.

 Not sure if this is a bee or a fly. I never got a good enough look at it.

 It looks like a bee...

 Young assassin

 Aphid. To the right is a discarded aphid exoskeleton.

 This is not a picture of the bee on the flower...

 A mite almost too tiny to see.

Something small and bee-like stung me on the neck when I was outside doing my bug walk today, and I am feeling rather resentful about it. I defend bugs all the time to people who think they are gross, or creepy, or evil, and this is the thanks I get? Where's the love, bugs?

It's still the middle of summer, and the hazelnut bushes already are preparing their flowers for next spring:

Arachnid Appreciation:
Today looked like an unsuccessful one for predatory critters. First the ambush bug, and then...
 Long legged fly and... do you see the spider?

 How about now?

 Getting closer...

 Aw, where'd it go?

 I think this is a six-spotted orb weaver

 Flower crab spider

 Bowl and doily spider

Jumping spider

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