Monday, November 17, 2014

Up and Down

I know what you're thinking, but yesterday was not That Day. The reason that there was no blog was because I had to go out for the day, and before I left it was 32º, so there was no point in going out looking for bugs. But since I didn't look, I couldn't say there were none there, so it was not the day that decides the season is over. It didn't get much warmer, so maybe it would have been That Day if I looked, but I didn't, so it wasn't. And then today was nicer, and I did look, even though it rained most of the day. I didn't find much, but then when we went out in the evening some bugs came to the porch light. Tomorrow is probably going to be That Day, though, because the high is only forecast to be 33º. But then, by early next week they are talking 60s, so who knows? I might be able to find bugs then.

You never know unless you look. Which is not to say I am going to go out every day this winter looking for bugs. But I will certainly look on days when it hits 60º.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
A moth drawn to the porch light. Not the most exciting moth ever, but hey, I was excited to see it. Also, it may not look it in this picture, but in person it looked like a combination of gold and rose, which was lovely.

The backyard yielded very little in terms of variety today, but technically I saw a LOT of bugs, because I saw several swarms. You know the challenge of photographing those, especially when it is dark and gloomy out, but I got some interesting shots:
This was the biggest of the swarms I saw today (I think I saw four).

Caught just one in focus...

 Finally, a couple of them landed!

Random Bugs:
 I spotted this right after I walked outside, and even though it is not a bug, or even an insect (but it is an arthropod), seeing it told me that today was not That Day. And then it took me forever to find anything else.

 The pupating ladybug. Covered in rain.

 You know you're desperate to find a bug when you are excited to see an ant crawling in the grass.

 Earwig attracted to the porch light. Or attracted to the other things attracted to the porch light.

 A couple of ladybugs attracted to the porch light.

 Such a cute face.

 Another porch bug.

These look like they haven't hatched yet.

Only one spider for Arachnid Appreciation:

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