Friday, May 17, 2019

One Thing

There was no bug walk today because I lost in my gamble over the weather, but when I went out (in the rain) to get the mail I saw an insect that made me get my camera for just one picture. I present to you, Backyard Bug of the Day:
Very early on in my "studies" of insects one of the questions to which I sought an answer was, what is the difference between butterflies and moths. There are a few differences, including that moths have thicker bodies, moths rest with their wings down alongside their bodies while butterflies rest with their wings up, and moths have feathery antennae while butterflies have thin antennae with little knobs on the end.  But some moths rest with their wings up at least some of the time, and thicker is a relative term, and... I don't know if this is a butterfly or a moth. It looks like a moth to me, but maybe that's just because it's brown? Anyway, it's adorable, it was pretty small–by butterfly standards, anyway, there are much smaller moths, and I admired it's pluck as it sat there on the side of my house, probably hoping the rain would stop.

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