Tuesday, May 14, 2019


I haven't done my bug walk in a couple of days because it was raining (and cold!), but today was only really overcast (and cold) so I was able to go back out with my camera. In the last week I have not been spending much time outside, and I feel like things have changed while I wasn't looking. It's much greener out there now, and everything is lush and alive. But much of the beauty of spring is ephemeral, and the progress of the season is melancholy in some ways:
 Alas, the flowering crab apple has past its blossoming time. The petals are all over the ground.

 Except for this one remaining bloom. Can you spot the tiny creature on it? I'll put the magnified version in Arachnid Appreciation (not a spider).

The other flowering crab apple tree is blooming now, but all of the flowers are way up at the top of the tree (and there aren't many), so I can't take pictures of them, or the bugs on them.

Most of the bugs I saw today were sort of hunkered down in hiding spots. They were very inactive. Except for a few flies, that is, including the Backyard Bug of the Day:

Other Bugs:

 The enemy!

 There were quite a few ants crawling around, too.

 This weevil was hiding, but then, as weevils often do, dropped to the ground when I tried to get a picture.

 Stilt legged bug

Hover fly

I think I saw as many spiders today as insects. Arachnid Appreciation:
 When I empty the rain gauge I always check to see if anything is hiding underneath. It is a popular spot for spiders.

 So is the garden shed.

 Tiny daddy-long-legs


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