Sunday, May 5, 2019

Late Night on the Porch

As I was getting ready to go to bed late last night I noticed that the back porch light had been left on, and before I turned it off I decided just to look outside and see if there was anything there. For some reason the back porch light never attracts as many insects as the front porch light, but there were several moths there, so I got my camera and took pictures of some of them. While I was out there, several more moths came and went from the porch. There were several species, so it's not like there is a species that has just eclosed and they are active now. It was a much warmer night than we have had lately–and it was raining. But I have given up trying to figure out why bugs do what they do, when they do it.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 I don't know what this species of moth is called, but I have dubbed it salt-and-pepper moth.

 Moth close up

 One of the moths was on the storm door, allowing for this perspective.

It rained all day, so I wasn't able to do a bug walk, but I did take my camera and my umbrella out to see this:
I wanted to know if this bee was still stuck to that plant, and it is. It looks a little... stranger today, or I should say stranger, like its thorax is swollen. My new hypothesis is that it has been parasitized, and there is another insect growing inside of it.

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