Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Hey, I've actually kept this up for over a week!

But I have pretty much run out of interesting things to say...

Which is assuming anything I have said so far is interesting...

Botanical happiness today - one of the flowering crabapples AND the peach tree bloomed today.
 I remember the first time this flowering crabapple bloomed - in 2003. I am pretty sure it was in April. I don't know it it's later this year because of how slow spring has been in arriving, or because the tree is bigger now. There's only a couple of flowers open so far...
Unfortunately, all the blossoms on the peach tree are way at the top. I love this tree because it grew from a peach pit that I tossed out in the backyard. For all the apple cores, cherry pits, peach and plum pits we've thrown out there you'd think we'd have a whole orchard by now...

I'll give you the Backyard Buds of the Day first, today. I had to choose two, because with buds and spring ephemerals, one they're gone, they're gone.

I have no idea what this is, but it opens to a cute, tiny, star-shaped flower.

Anemones. Interesting that the buds are pink, but the flowers are white. And the buds get paler as they get bigger.
There's only this one tiny patch in my yard where anemones grow.

Okay, Backyard Bug of the Day:
I think it's a hoverfly, but it could be a bee.

Advice on exploring the backyard: Watch where you step, or kneel, or set down your monopod:

Is it just me, or does poison ivy look sinister?

Along side all the signs of a new year of growth there are remnants of last year's blooms...

Last year's ferns...

And this year's ferns (brace yourself for a ton of pictures of fern fiddleheads)

Hmmm... This last one is sideways, and there's no way to fix it, so tilt your head to the left to look at it.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring...


  1. Although I don't comment daily, I have been visiting daily - and I enjoy all your ramblings, both literal and figurative, through your yard! Love the bud shots, and I've always had an appreciation for the fern fiddleheads too. Your blog is off to a great start, please keep it going for those of us who don't have enough time to spend in our own yards!! ;-)
