Sunday, May 11, 2014

Racing the Sun

I was out all day today - I spent most of it in a yard, but not my yard, and just barely made it back before the daylight was gone. I had to find bugs and buds using my ring flash as a flashlight (it has a light setting where the light is just steadily on instead of a brief flash, which is actually how I usually use it), and fending off the mosquitoes that were out for my blood. As I sit here feeling itchy, I can tell you that I don't love all bugs.

I did find one bug that was not trying to drain me of my blood to feature as Backyard Bug of the Day:

The buds were a little harder to find - I found the bug pretty quickly but it was getting darker by the second. Once I found one of these plants blooming, however, I knew where to look to find more in hopes of finding some with buds. It took a while, but here's Backyard Bud and Bloom of the Day:

I did get to see one other creature before it got dark - in fact, I saw this one as I got out of the car when we got home. I ran in to get my camera to get a picture of it, though I did not change to a more appropriate lens and took this with the macro lens (and this is a zoom/crop version of it).
Backyard Bunny of the Day:

As an added bonus, here's a picture of a bug I got a picture of in the yard I was in most of the afternoon:

This will be one of those "Conclusion needs work" days...

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