Thursday, May 29, 2014

Playing Games

The bugs wanted to play hide and seek today.
Bugs play hide and seek like two year olds - if I hide my face, you can't see me.

Always a fun game.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
It sort of looks like it is made of wood, but it's not a Pinocchio bug hoping to become a real bug. It's already real. Not that I know what kind it is.

Backyard Bud and Bloom of the Day:
Naturally I have no idea what this is, either, but I like the star shaped buds.

Remember those eggs I posted a picture of the other day?

They have hatched.
As I suspected, they are sawfly larvae. Cute and creepy all at once.

Daily Dandelion:
I am going with the deconstructionist version today. Or something.

Today's Arachnid Appreciation is about an arachnid appreciating me. Or my gardening clog, anyway. By the way, it's hard to take a close-up picture of your own foot.
Handsome, isn't it?

I hope tomorrow the bugs don't want to play tag...

By the way, I have now been blogging for a whole month! Woo hoo!


  1. Congrats on the one month mark! The hardest part is behind you!!! (I've no idea what that means... ;-) )
    At least the games of hide and seek make for some cute photos --

    1. I wonder what other games they like to play... cricket?
