Friday, July 6, 2018

Rain Delay

In order to avoid complaining about anything, I am just going to say that today's bug walk included about a 6 hour rain delay (although I just wasn't home for part of that). And that's all I'm going to say.
Backyard Bug of the Day:
 I think this is a springtail, and if it is, it's a new species for me. It's bigger than other springtails I have seen. However, it is still tiny.

 About an inch away was this other springtail, another one I have never seen. They could be the same species, for all I know.

 And a few more inches away was this springtail. This kind I have seen before.

 Updates from yesterday:
 The monarch caterpillar has started eating, I would swear it has already grown, it has developed stripes, it has eaten all those holes in the leaf, and produced a bunch of frass, all those black speckles.

 As of this morning there were even more stuporous katydid nymphs on the table on the back porch (this is yesterday's and today's together), and by the end of the day there was one more. Still not sure why this is happening.

Other Bugs:
 It rained for a while but when it was not raining there were a lot of busy bumblebees on the milkweed flowers. And some bumblebees that just wanted to stay out of the weather.

 Hover fly

Another hover fly; I think this one is a different species.


 This blurry picture is another species of firefly, and you can't tell from the pictures but it is less than half the size of the other one above.


Only two butterflies today:
 Great spangled fritillary

 The ever elusive, never cooperative small wood satyr.

There's a caterpillar pretending to be a dried, curled leaf edge...

I believe this is a unicorn caterpillar. I can see where the name came from.


 That droplet behind this hopper nymph is not a leftover raindrop. It is the honeydew it excreted when I was focusing the camera.

 Candy striped leaf hopper and hopper nymphs (I don't know what species the nymphs are)
 Some kind of beetle larva

 Rove beetle


 Fall webworm on a blueberry. These caterpillars are sort of ubiquitous the last few days; they're all over the backyard, in a variety of sizes. Obviously this one is very small (although it is a pretty large blueberry, as such things go).


Arachnid Appreciation:
The spiderlings that were all huddled together in a ball yesterday have begun to venture apart from each other...

Flower crab spider

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