Friday, June 15, 2018

Fresh as a Daisy

This is pretty much how I am feeling at the end of this week:
 And if you interpret my meaning to be "pretty," you are misinterpreting it.

Backyard Co-Bugs of the Day #1:
 Caterpillar, about a quarter inch long. On oak leaf. I didn't look it up, and I am not going to, because that is the mood I am in, and I know I won't find it because it probably looks different now than it will when it gets bigger, and only the last instar will be shown in the book, and I am just not in the mood for one more exercise in futility at the moment.

Backyard Co-Bug of the Day #2:
 Another caterpillar. A bit bigger, maybe half an inch. Also probably early instar, and also not going to look this one up.

 I didn't notice when I took the picture, but now I see something interesting in this shot...

 Looks like another caterpillar (or other insect) egg.

Since we're looking at caterpillars... This was so tiny I could not tell if it was a caterpillar dangling or a bit of a twig stuck in a thread. So tiny that I did not notice the bit of frass stuck to it until I looked at it on the computer.

Another tiny caterpillar

 This bee was resting on the mailbox when I went to get the mail. I had forgotten my camera, which nowadays I bring with me when I go out to get the mail, and debated whether the bee would stay there for me to go get it. It didn't move at all when I opened and shut the mailbox, though, so I thought it might. From the fact that you are seeing this picture, you can guess how that turned out.

 I think these are ladybeetle eggs.

 I didn't get a look at the other side of this bug, but it is some kind of Hemiptera, shield bug, or stink bug, or something along those lines.

Assassin bug

 Sawfly larva. It is so amusing when caterpillars and other such larva (like this one) get to the end of what they are walking on and sort of keep going.

 Tiny bee

I wish I had been able to get a closer, better lit picture of this fly...

 ... and this is why.


 Some kind of plant bug. I have been trying to get a picture of this for days, but it has always been too deep in the clusters of flowers for me to get a shot.


 Four-lined plant bug. They are very shy.

 Leaf hopper

Arachnid Appreciation:
 During one of the rainy periods of the day that delayed my bug walk this spider ran across the room in front of the couch, and I figured at least if I could not go outside, I would have one spider to post. Here it is on a pile of books.

This is a tiny orb weaver, its web about 3 inches across. Here's the underside, which is the side I first saw...

 ... and the trickier shot, showing the top of the spider (dorsal view). So cute! I am not sure if I have seen this species before. I don't think so, but it is possible that this is a spiderling, and it will look different as it gets bigger.

 Six-spotted orb weaver with her egg mass.

 Still haven't figured out what this one is. It's really small, I'd say less than a quarter inch long.

 Dorsal view

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