Monday, October 30, 2017

After the Tempest

Yesterday was an unexpected day off–it rained all day, so I couldn't go out with my camera. It was unexpected not because there was no rain in the forecast, but because I never really believe it is going to rain all day when that is the forecast. But it did, and then last night we had a ferocious storm as tropical storm Phillipe (or its remnants, anyway) passed by. We had 3 inches of rain, bringing our total for the last week to 7.5 inches, which is almost two months worth. One report I read said it was the second most powerful late October storm we've ever had (the most powerful being Superstorm Sandy, 5 years ago on the same date). My husband had an unexpected day off  today as school was cancelled because of trees and power lines down in the town where he works, but I was back out with my camera today, because this day-after-the-storm was bright and mostly sunny (and windy. And kind of cold).

Backyard Co-Bug of the Day #1:
 Springtail. I am still not seeing numbers of these, just one the other day, and one today (both on the rain gauge stand, so it could be the same one, though I don't think so, because I think their colors were different), but maybe there will be more soon, if it continues to be wet out.

Backyard Co-Bug of the Day #2:
 Sawfly or wasp, not sure which

Other Bugs:
 A few March flies were to be seen today, mostly basking on leaves.

I spotted some eggs on the garden shed...

... that were up too high for me to get a close look, but here they are magnified. I think they are stinkbug eggs, and it looks like they've hatched.

I'm not sure what these are; they look like aphids, but are awfully big to be aphids. They could be nymphs of some kind of bug.

The candy striped leaf hoppers were basking in the sun all over the place:
 These two blend in pretty well with the galls on this leaf.

 Another leaf hopper, on a tree

There were a lot of flies around today:

 This leaf hopper is missing one of its elytra.


 Leaf bug



 Looper caterpillar spotted on my husband's shoulder. We had been clearing away a tree that had fallen, and I suspect that this caterpillar had been on the tree.

The only bee I saw today–the morning glories were battered by the storm, and there weren't any new blooms today. This one was resting in a partially closed-up blossom.

There were a LOT of spiders in the backyard today, most of them tiny ones, and few of them cooperative. Arachnid Appreciation:
 Just kidding... Actually, this is a good shot of the spots on the six-spotted orb weaver.

 Six-spotted orb weaver

 I found this tiny spider–it must be a spiderling, it's so small–on the rain gauge.

 It's adorable, whatever it is.

Also on the rain gauge, or rather under it, which is a popular place for spiders and crickets, I have found.

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