Friday, May 6, 2016

Better Late Than Never


Due to internet problems, I was unable to post my blog last night; my browser crashed while the pictures were loading, and I wasn't able to get it back.  Now I am using a different browser, and am going to add the pictures to what little I wrote...

I have strained my wrist, and there is even less to talk about other than the cold, miserable weather than there was yesterday, so I'm going to let the pictures do the talking today.

Backyard Bird of the Day:
 Either a hairy woodpecker or a downy woodpecker. I don't remember which, and I have two blogs to do tonight, so I am not going to look it up. This is not the site to go to for bird identification. [Edit: I looked it up. I think it's a downy woodpecker. But the downy and the hairy look VERY similar.]

Here the head is blurry because it is pecking on that branch. Note also the first beginnings of green leaves on the tree.

Backyard Burrower of the Day:
 This chipmunk spent the day going back and forth through the rock garden. I don't know what that is dangling from its mouth. It's blurry because it was taken through a window.

Backyard Fungus of the Day:
 Not a space alien blob, it's a cedar apple rust.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 A nymph of some kind. For scale, that is a dandelion stem it is on. It looks similar to a Backyard Bug of the Day from recently, and could be the same kind of insect, but this appears to be an earlier stage of life, or a different insect altogether, because it doesn't look exactly the same.

The only other insect I saw today:

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