Saturday, July 4, 2015

Many Moths

I'm tired, and I don't want to do this tonight, but since I will be annoyed with myself later if I don't, here's the bugs I saw today...

Today's bug collection began in the minutes just after midnight last night. We got home shortly before midnight to find a mass of moths on the front porch. Then this evening we got home around 11:00 and again the porch was teeming with moths. Which means Porch Light Lepidoptera Lollapalooza Time! (I waited until after midnight to go out and take the pictures, because I had enough other stuff to put in that day's blog):
 I really cannot give you a true impression in pictures of what this is like. There are 8 species of moths in this picture. This is just a sampling of what was there, on the walls, on the ceiling, on the floor, on the furniture, on the porch light, on the wreath, flying around. It's amazing to see.

 Things on the wall are not always as easy to photograph as you'd think...


 ... many...

 ... different...




 ... and...

 ... patterns...

Also on the porch tonight was a massive beetle, at least two inches long, but it flew away as soon as I got out there with my camera, to my great disappointment.

I went out again just a little while ago, and found even more new species, but they will have to wait for tomorrow's blog.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 We didn't get off to a great start. I saw this cool little bug on the tip of this leaf, and as soon as I moved to get a picture, it hid on the other side.

 Then, when I turned the leaf over, it dropped to the ground.

 I was persistent, though. This was a new bug for me, and I wanted pictures!

 I think this is an immature Hemiptera of some kind. Well, having seen its proboscis, I am sure it is a Hemiptera, and from the size and lack of developed wings it's obviously immature. I guess what I am saying is, this is a baby that I can't identify.

 It's got a pretty cool look though.

Speaking of babies...
Remember this cool iridescent egg I found on the front porch a few weeks ago? I forgot about it. Last night I noticed it again, and it is now empty. Missed out on seeing what was inside.

But today I found this:
 Aaaaaw! Baby assassin bugs!

 Newly hatched on the side of the house.

Who's On the Milkweed Today?
 The usual. I just wanted to show how many bugs you might find all together, as the milkweed is a great meeting place for bugs. Bonus points if you find the spider (it's hard to see, so I didn't put it at the end of the post. If spiders freak you out, don't look for it).

 This is a really cool bug, but it is cooler in person than in pictures.

 It folds that spike up sometimes...

It actually looks coolest when it is flying. Here's my attempt at an in-flight shot. Yes, the bug is in this picture. Sort of.

 There are a lot of mushrooms in the yard right now, and one of them has been crushed or stomped on, and I found this ant carrying away a bit of it. I didn't know ants ate mushrooms.

 A hopper nymph. I read somewhere about why it has those spikes sticking out the back - it is something it extrudes, a waste product, but I don't remember the specifics.

 Got photobombed while taking its picture.

Arachnid Appreciation:

 I am assuming this is a mite. It's pretty hard to see for sure.

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