Friday, July 4, 2014

A Rainy Holiday

July 4, 2014

Hurricane Arthur passed by us out in the ocean today, and left us with some much needed rain. It wasn't the best timing, since the 4th of July is one of those particular days of the year when everyone really wants it to be a nice day, but you can't really complain about missed opportunities to have picnics when other people actually had to deal with a hurricane landing in their state. And we did need the rain.

However, rain is not conducive to but photography. In a brief lull during which it only drizzled, I did manage to get outside for a few minutes with my camera, so there will still be a Backyard Bug of the Day today.

In fact, there will be two of them. Backyard Bug of the Day #1:
This appears to me to be an immature leaf hopper. It looks like it is just starting to get wings. Not that I am an expert on this kind of thing, but that's how it looks. Also note the rain drops caught on it.  I know it doesn't, but this bug looks like it should glow in the dark.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
Another nymph, but this one is new to me. It also has some raindrops stuck to it - it almost looks like it is balancing that one on its antennae - it must be a contact juggler.

Backyard Bud of the Day:
Goldenrod. I'll be seeing a lot of this soon.

Other than that, not much to show for my day, except for some moths on the porch:
 This is one I wished I could show you when I posted about different moth wing shapes. Note the tiniest hint of purple in the wing.

 Hanging out on the storm door.

And that's all for today!

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