Thursday, November 21, 2019

Joie de la Vie des Insectes

I heard the crickets singing today. They were not many, and they were not loud, but I loved hearing them, those stalwarts who don't care that winter comes every night and sometimes stays all day. The sun was out, and they must have been warm in the leaf litter, and so they sang.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Leaf bug on the mums. The mums were okay after the first frost, and even the second, but when we had the extended freeze, that was it for them, and for most of the bugs that were feeding there. However, not all bugs care if a plant is still alive.

Flies, in particular, are attracted to flowers that have been killed by frost:

Today the backyard was full of various kinds of flies:

I only saw a few springtails, though:
 These tiny (juvenile) ones on a puddle on a rock...

 ... and these two adults on the water in the birdbath.

 This tiny wasp (I think) was also on the water in the bird bath, but I didn't think it wanted to be there, so I scooped it out. It quickly flew away.

 No springtails on this tree today, and only a few candy striped leaf hoppers.

And now, the rest of this post will be winter crane flies showing what I am anthropomorphizing as joie de vivre:

When you get too close to a swarm of winter crane flies they all fly down and land.

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