Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Snowed In

One must wonder, in a winter like this, where those bugs go that have been out and about on the nice days, when a foot and a half or so of snow drops in. In the case of these winter fireflies...
... I am pretty sure they just got buried in the snow for a day, and when it melted away today (We got about 20", but it was in the 40s today and it always melts really fast around the base of trees), they were freed. They are at the base of the tree, the highest in this picture is about a foot up from the ground, so they all would have been under the snow.

 This one is in one of the woodpecker holes, and my guess is that it is drinking sap, because the other woodpecker holes had drops of sap in them. I have no idea what winter fireflies eat, though. But it makes sense to me.

I think most bugs were still buried under the snow, though, so I didn't find much (and no snow fleas). One stonefly that I didn't get a picture of, and this:
A midge.

I did see a spider on a tree, that eluded my camera, but inside the house I had some Arachnid Appreciation:
Found on the bedroom window when I looked out this morning to see what kind of day we were having. As you can see from the background, we had beautiful, blue sky. And this tiny spider is missing a leg.

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