Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Chilly and Windy

Today I felt like I should wait for the temperature to rise into the 50s before going out to look for bugs, which didn't happen until about 1:00 in the afternoon. I did not hear crickets singing when I went out, and I don't think it was just a matter of not being able to hear them over the roaring wind. I did hear them eventually, faintly and forlornly in the backyard, and with gusto in the front by the rocks, where it is warmer.

That wind, though. I actually went inside to get my handheld anemometer to see how forceful the wind was - and of course when I came out it died down. It came back though. I was a little disappointed that for the most part the readings I got were only around 2 mph, but I did get some gusts in the 9s, and one of 10.4 mph. I think if I was about 30 feet taller I would have gotten higher readings - the trees were thrashing about dramatically, and I think I was pretty sheltered on the ground.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 I was not able to identify this caterpillar, but it most resembles some of the tiger moth caterpillars in the book.

Random Bugs:
 Still a few grasshoppers hopping around in the rock garden.

 Crane fly on the same tree trunk where I saw the pair of crane flies yesterday


 Different cricket on the same tree trunk

 This was the most shocking backyard find of the day. When I keep saying that there aren't any flowers blooming anymore I forget that there are still some of these pink flowers in bloom. I haven't seen any insects on them in quite a while, though. I was certainly not expecting to see a hoverfly today.

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