Monday, April 4, 2016

The Unexpected

I can appreciate the irony that all winter we never had two consecutive days of snow, but now that it's spring, it has snowed two days in a row. (Come to think of it, I think we have had as many days of snow in the spring so far as we had in the winter. Eh, maybe not. But close). Yesterday's snow was ephemeral, disappearing in the afternoon sunshine, but today's was more robust. There was shoveling involved. And it's still out there. I could even remain through tomorrow, if there's not much sunshine.

Here's how things looked at around noon:
 Eventually the flowers were all buried. I hope they survive this ordeal. At least snow is a good insulator.

 I am quite worried for the crab apple tree, too. I guess it's a good thing none of the other trees have leaves yet.

 Poor daffodils.

 The mourning dove on the nest. That is the back end of the bird facing the camera.

Now, I know what you are thinking. It was snowing and sleeting all day, the temperature was below freezing, there is NO WAY I have a Backyard Bug of the Day today. Well, you're wrong.

Backyard Bugs of the Day:
I spotted them on the side of the house when I was outside taking pictures of the snow. I didn't actually go looking for bugs, because I didn't think there was any point. In fact, I didn't even think about it enough to think there wasn't any point, it was just a given that if it's snowing and sleeting, I don't do a bug walk. But there they were. No doubt huddling together for warmth. (I'm kidding. I know what they are doing).

Nature is full of surprises...

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