Saturday, April 16, 2016


This full post is being delayed by internet problems. For now I will leave you with two things:

Backyard Bird of the Day:
 Turkey vulture. I get so jealous of big birds as they ride the currents of the air.

Backyard Bug of the Day:

Edit: Okay, let's see if I can get this working today... Pretend I posted these pictures last night.

But first I want to point out that this blog is a very incomplete census of the bugs I see in my backyard every day. A lot of them I don't bother to take pictures of - like most of the flies, gnats, and ants that I see. And bees, too - most of the time I don't even try to get their pictures, since they are such active bugs. The bee pictures you get to see are a small percentage of the bees I see. And a lot of them I just don't get pictures of - this particular day's missed shots include an assassin bug - the first I have seen this year, a leaf hopper (not a candy striped one this time), and a cabbage white butterfly, which would be be the third butterfly species of the week. And others, too, that I can't remember now. Even on days when I get a lot of pictures, there are still bugs that either by choice or missed opportunity don't make it into the blog. And when you consider all of the bugs that are around me all the time, that I don't even see, it can be mind boggling to think about.

So, what did I see? In the order in which I found them:
Some sort of Hemiptera.

A blue bee - this has been quite the week for blue bugs.

Yet another spring azure.

Click beetle - there have been a lot of them around lately.

Ants on the sappy stump

Some sort of fly

Another sort of fly



 I don't know what this is - it looks a little bit like a click beetle, but it looks immature, because it doesn't have wings, and its lower body is very... well, I can't describe it.

Here it is, though. Very sinuous. But it was pretty big, big even for an adult click beetle, so I don't know.

No arachnids to appreciate today... And now that I have finished yesterday's blog, I have to write today's...

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