Saturday, February 20, 2016


I feel like the weather is bouncing us around lately. Last weekend we had record cold, with lows below zero (Fahrenheit), and highs in the single digits. It snowed almost every day last week, and early this week, and then we had torrential rain. Today the high was 57ºF. Tomorrow will be the same. Then... who knows?

But you know what happens when you have a day in the 50s, regardless of the time of year - there will be bugs. And so there were today.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Wasp basking in the sunshine on the front of the house.

There were a lot of little flying things around, most of which I did not get a good look at. But there was a swarm of what I assume were winter crane flies around the tree where I often saw them earlier in the winter.
 Those bright spots against the trunk are the bugs, in the air.

 A lot of flies and gnats.

And since there are bugs to eat, there are spiders to eat them - Arachnid Appreciation:

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