Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Better Than Nothing!

I have a philosophy that the key to happiness is low expectations. It is a cynical philosophy, but it has a great deal of truth in it - if your expectations are low, you aren't disappointed when they are met, and if things turn out better - and it's hard for them not to - you get to be happy, and maybe are made happy by something very small.

Like, say, a bug. A Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Some sort of leaf bug, I presume, hanging around in spite of the fact that today was only in the low 40s (very Decemberish), and overcast (at least, it was overcast when I was outside. It had been sunny earlier, but I missed that opportunity), and there aren't many leaves around (well, there are lots of dead, brown ones. But I don't think Hemipteras can feed on those, because they suck liquid out of leaves as food, and dry, dead leaves don't have that). I found it on the side of the house as I was about to go inside and give the bug walk up for the day. Which I did after I found this, because I was done, and because hey, I found something. So I ended the walk on a high note.

I had very low expectations for finding bugs today - I didn't think I'd find any at all. So, I was made happy by that one little bug. Philosophy in action.

I did see a bunch of springtails, and ONE winter crane fly:

And that's all the bugs for today. Still, not bad for a Decemberish December day!

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