Thursday, September 29, 2016


I think today read yesterday's blog post and said, "Windy? You call that windy? I'll show you windy!"

It was very windy in the backyard today. And kind of cold. A disappointing first outing for my new camera. There was hardly anything to take pictures of.


Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Assassin bug

 This is what it was doing when I first spotted it. That dark spot on the front of the leaf is a small fly. I think the assassin was poised and ready in case the fly flew closer, which it did not.

Can you see the assassin bug here? It didn't like me watching it, and moved to the other side of the leaf, which is too bad, because then this cricket came along.

 You're going the wrong way, assassin bug.

Random Bugs:
 Another assassin bug

 White hickory tussock moth caterpillar has come to the end of the leaf... and gone over the edge.

A LOT of wasps in the backyard today:


 Leaf bug

 The temperature had dropped into the 50s by about 5 o'clock, which makes the bumblebees kind of lethargic. This one was in a groove in the siding on the house.

 The craneflies remain elusive outside, but this one was in the house - here it is on the movie screen while we were watching Pride and Prejudice. This is the part where [spoilers if you have never read Pride and Prejudice] Lizzy goes for a walk at Rosings and encounters Colonel Fitzwilliam, who tells her all about how Darcy split up her sister's romance with Mr. Bingley.

 Female two-spotted tree cricket on the screen on the back porch. It was not there because of the porch light - it was there already when I turned on the light to go outside.

Arachnid Appreciation:.
Also on the back porch

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