Monday, September 5, 2016

Every Bug Has Its Day

We did not have a hurricane today. Not even a tropical storm. It was pretty windy, but that was it. I began to wonder, as I did my bug walk, if the bugs knew something I didn't know, because there were surprisingly few of them.

I found an amphibian, though, which is kind of rare when I am not in the process of mowing the lawn:

I have been posting pictures of these a lot lately, and with the dearth of other bugs to be found today, I decided it was finally time to make them Backyard Bug of the Day:
 White hickory tussock moth caterpillars. Cute, fuzzy, and can give you a bit of a sting with those hairs. I often cannot tell which end is the front, and which is the back.

 Not sure if this is on its way away from the tree, or toward it.

How many can you see here? There were over twenty that I found in this tree, but I think this picture features six.

Random Bugs:
 Here's a slightly better picture of the caterpillar's pupal case that I posted yesterday, anchored to this leaf.

Sawfly larvae

 Milkweed bug nymphs

 Female tree cricket

 Hopper or spittle bug


Assassin bug

 Arachnid Appreciation:
 I am puzzled by spiders who hang out underneath webs. It doesn't seem like they are well positioned for catching prey.

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