Monday, September 19, 2016

Raindrops (Don't) Keep Falling On My Head

It was raining when I woke up this morning, and the rain kept up into the afternoon, and I rejoiced, because we need rain and I need a day off. Late in the afternoon, though, I went outside to take a walk in the rain, and the rain stopped. So not only did I not get to have my walk in the rain, I didn't get my day off. I did see some interesting things during the two minutes I was walking in the rain before it stopped, so at least I knew there was something to take a picture of. But there wasn't much, and frankly, I didn't look that hard, because I still wanted at least an easy day if I didn't get my day off. And actually in the woods there was so much water dripping from the trees that it was almost as if it was raining, and not good for the camera. So, it was not the most thorough search for bugs, but hey, I was out there at least.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 I guess now I know what bumblebees do when it rains - hang out on a plant until it stops. Okay, I have seen bees like this before. Not as many as I saw today, though. They were just starting to perk up when I was taking their pictures - I guess they don't wait long after the rain stops.

 Another species of bee, all wet.

The theme for the day is bugs with raindrops:

 I haven't seen this caterpillar in a few days, and I figured it had moved on, but today I found it again.

 It has started to change color. I didn't know it was going to do that, because the book didn't say that. It did show a brown version of the caterpillar, but it said that that was just another color they come in. That's something I find kind of surprising, that some species of caterpillars come in multiple colors. But in this case this is definitely a color change going on.


 Another hopper

Arachnid Appreciation:

 Do you see the spider?

 Closer look

 This spider moved from one side of the web...

... to the other while I was watching it.

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