Saturday, September 24, 2016

A Drop

The seasons may not change on the prescribed dates, but when they do change, sometimes it's just like someone flipped a switch. We went from hot the last couple of days to cool. It actually felt chilly for most of the day, though I know that is just my perception of temperatures in the low 60s when it has been in the 80s. All I can say is, my house has an automatic heating system that kicks in when the temperature drops below a certain point, and it took until mid-afternoon today for it to grudgingly switch to "summertime" mode (not that the heat actually turned on, I don't think, because it was still warm in the house from the last few days).

So, how did the bugs feel about the change in temperature? I don't know, because I have lost all sense of that, too. I think there were fewer bees around today. I could not hear as many crickets. But I saw a decent variety of insects.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Stink bug nymph. I haven't seen many of these around this year. I haven't seen any egg masses, either, and usually I will see several of those over the course of the summer.

 I don't know what this is, but it looks like it's been having a rough time.

 A much more obliging cranefly today.

 MUCH more obliging.

 White marked tussock moth still laying eggs.

 Bush cricket


I found a couple of ailanthus webworm moths:


 There were a lot of hoverflies around today, feeding on the goldenrod and hovering, but mostly they moved too fast for me to get pictures.

Today I found two different species of hairstreak butterflies, both in good shape, so you can have a go at comparing them:
White M hairstreak

 Gray hairstreak

 I think this is the silhouette of something inside the leaf.

There were a couple of caddisflies on the front porch this evening:


Arachnid Appreciation:

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