Sunday, November 15, 2020

What Frost?

 Did you miss me? I know, I know, I have heard that song with the lyrics, "How can I miss you if you won't go away." I just wanted to post the one insect picture I took today. I haven't seen any insects on the chrysanthemums in several days, even though it was pretty warm for a while. Then we had freezes for a few nights, and though I covered the flowers overnight, I didn't expect any insects to visit them. Then today:

Hover fly. I love to see insects with pollen all over their faces; I think it's cute. 

As for other bugs, there was a fly on the side of the house, and those were the only insects I saw today. I heard a couple of crickets in the woods. And with all the rain this week there has been water in some of the stream pools, and a couple of times I have seen predatious water beetles. It's definitely not a buggy time of year. One I won't miss, though, is the mosquitoes; though the frost does not generally kill off the insects, it does kill off those. Not the ticks, however. Yesterday when I was working in the woods I found several crawling up my pantleg–which they are not supposed to do because those pants are treated with tick repellent. It was interesting to find them, though, because it is the first time in months that I have seen any ticks, and those four I saw yesterday may equal all the other ticks I saw this year.

I am still taking my break. Not doing bug walks every day. But I can't help being interested in the life around me. It's a fascinating world.

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