Friday, November 6, 2020

Autumn Blooms

 Today in my backyard, the sun was shining, and the flowers were blooming, the air was warm and everything was lovely. That's a recipe for pollination:

If you plant it, they will come. I haven't seen a bee in weeks, obviously because there has been nothing in my backyard for them to eat since the goldenrod finished blooming (not to mention it was pretty cold some of that time). But now, the chrysanthemums are finally in bloom, and there are bees to feed on them and pollinate them. Where were the bees all this time? How in the world did they know that in my rock garden there are now three flowers in bloom? I have no idea. The blooms attracted several sweat bees and gnats (there were more than you see here). As the days (and nights) continue to be mild for the next week I am very interested in seeing if any more species will be attracted to these few blossoms.

I didn't find much else for Other Bugs:

For as brightly colored as they are, it's amazing how well candy striped leaf hoppers blend in on all kinds of plants.

That's all the pictures that came out (it was very windy again today) and nearly all the bugs I saw. I am very interested to see what the next week or so brings out in my backyard.

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