Friday, May 1, 2015

Watching My Step

I am in serious need of a change in the backyard. Specifically, I need everything to speed up a bit and grow more, so that there are more and bigger plants around, and leaves, and things for bugs to eat or even just sit on that are higher than a blade of grass. I am getting tired of having to stoop to the ground so much to take pictures. It's awkward and uncomfortable. They don't even have to be at eye level, just high enough that my monopod doesn't become a liability and tripping hazard.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 This is some kind of beetle, but I have failed in my attempt to find out what kind. It sort of resembles one in one of my books that is a leatherwing beetle, but that's the best I've got. It looks like a hybrid between a beetle and a teddy bear. I know it looks dead here, but it was alive - it walked when I prodded it with a stick (because I thought it was dead).

 Fuzzy face.

 It didn't do that thing that beetles often do when afraid, which is roll over and play dead. I kind of wish it had, because I would have liked to see its apparently fuzzy belly.

Random Bugs:

 There were a lot of these around today, mostly resting on the lawn furniture. From the looks of this picture, there will soon be a lot more around.

 Ugh. Again with the bugs on the ground. I think this is a hoverfly, but my confidence in identifying things as hoverflies has diminished.

Arachnid Appreciation:

 Zoomed in - this spider didn't want me to get so close.

Sigh... jumping spiders are so cute...

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