Saturday, June 14, 2014


How to begin, how to begin...

I've got nothin'.

I was out most of the day, and spent more time in the Governor's backyard than my own (it was Open House Day in Connecticut, so we visited the Governor's house). However, I came back home just at the magic hour in the back yard, so I actually spent most of my limited time outside with the camera taking pictures of light on plants. A lot of pictures. I am not really satisfied with them, because pictures don't always really show what you see. I mean, they might if I knew better how to use my camera, but even so, they don't show the magic.

I don't think the pictures will show the pollen that I could actually SEE flying through the air when the wind was blowing, either. It's kind of amazing I can still breathe, but maybe whatever tree is in pollen mode right now is, by some miracle, something I am not allergic to.
During the magic hour, the light beckons you down the paths, around the corners.

 Oh, look, you kind of can see the pollen in the air...

This drop of water in the center of this plant looks just like a diamond! But I guess you can see that.

But you didn't come here to see plants and fading sunlight, you came here to see bugs! Fortunately, I happened to spot some wings when I was looking at the foxglove:
 Hmmm... that seems like a lot of wings...


Here's the Backyard Bug of the Day:

Back to plants for a moment, Backyard Bud of the Day:
When this blooms I might know what this is.

And one last note about a plant:
The strawberry took a turn for the worse. I have decided the birds can have it. I can't believe that mold can grow so fast...

Back to the bugs. Here's a preview of a bug that will be BBotD some day, if I ever get a good picture:
Another species of assassin bug. It's hard to take it seriously with those striped stockings - I mean legs, though. I didn't get a good enough look at it, but I think this was an adult, or near to it.

Remember those puzzling bugs I saw yesterday? The two I saw were no longer there, and there was no evidence of eggs, but I saw more of the same kind of bug.
 Not as extremely bulgy as the ones yesterday.

Then I came across this little scene:
So, I guess it is related to egg laying...

Remember also in the past I have talked about various moths that look like... something they are not? And I said there are caterpillars that look like that, too?

It is a very small caterpillar at the moment. I will check tomorrow to see if it's still around, and keep an eye on its progress if I can.

Nothing startled me in the backyard today. There were bunnies, but they didn't dart about in that startling way they have:

I saw one other critter that I was not happy to see - or at least, not where I saw it, which was hiding under the window on the side of the house. I hope it doesn't know a way inside...

Now for Arachnid Appreciation. No spiders today, just webs, so I am not going to put in the break.

That's the magic hour for you.


  1. Thanks for sharing the magic hour with us. I love that time of day, too (once used it for a fantasy story about a rabbit and I called it the shimmering time.) That third shot was definitely calling to me to walk through it.

    1. :-) Shimmering time is a good name for it. Especially when the fairy bugs are flying.
