Monday, October 31, 2016

Going Down

The weather yo-yo made it to the top of the string yesterday, and is on its way back down, which makes it unfortunate that I was out all day yesterday and didn't get a chance to do a bug walk. Today I waited as long as I could for the temperature to max out, but eventually I had to just accept that it was not going to get warmer than 51ºF degrees. Of course, just because it was almost 70ºF yesterday doesn't mean there were a lot of bugs around, but there sure weren't many around today.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Wasp, female. I think she may have been searching for a good spot to lay eggs in the tree bark with that long ovipositor.

Random Bugs:
 These were the dominant insect species of the backyard today, though.

 Not as ubiquitous as other years, perhaps, but maybe the numbers will increase. With bugs like this, that have a definite season, I kind of wonder where they were, and what they were doing, before they suddenly appear in huge numbers in my backyard. I imagine that they were larvae, but where were they?

 Striped garden caterpillar, still hanging around. I wonder if it is actually eating the dried flowers on these goldenrod plants.

 Rove beetle

And now, because it's Halloween, something scary...
 This is one of the most dangerous things in my backyard. Statistically, I suppose that the moqsuitoes are more dangerous, as they kill more people worldwide than any other animal, but ticks can kill you, too.

Arachnid Appreciation:
 I found this spider crawling on my arm. It didn't obey the rule that if you're going to crawl on me, you have to sit still for a picture, so I transferred it to this rock, and eventually it stopped running around so I got this shot.

 Missing a few legs

Jumping spider

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