Thursday, October 13, 2016


Based on how the internet has been working today, I don't think the blogging process is going to go well tonight, so I'm just going to cut to the chase and begin the agonizing process of loading pictures.

I saw a lot of bugs today. I did not get a lot of pictures of them. And most of the pictures I got look like this:
 I was tempted to post a whole selection of pictures that are horrible like this, just to give you a glimpse at how it really happens out there in the backyard with my camera, but I'll settle for just this one. This is the best picture I got of this bug, and obviously I knew as I was taking the pictures that they were all bad - the bug just wouldn't cooperate. But worse is when I take a lot of pictures of an insect and I think that some of them are going to be good, and none of them are. But you don't know about those, because I don't post them. Between wind an uncooperative bugs, today's bug walk was the complete opposite of yesterday's fun walk.

Backyard Bug of the Day:

Random Bugs:
 Leaf-footed bug

 Stilt bug


 Assassin bug

 Sweat bee

 I found another striped garden caterpillar, the Backyard Bug of the Day from yesterday. It could be the same caterpillar, as it was in the same general area, but I don't know. I don't know how far it might travel in a day.

 Ladybeetle. I was thinking today about the lack of aphids in the backyard this year, and how sad that is. Now, I know most people would be thrilled not to have aphids in their backyard, but I was thinking about all of the things that eat aphids, like ladybeetles and other bugs. They won't have anything to eat. This ladybeetle was hunting diligently in this goldenrod plant, but there were no aphids there. And if the things that eat the aphids have nothing to eat, there will be fewer of them, and then what do the things that eat the things that eat the aphids eat? And the things that eat the things that eat the things that eat the aphids? I have to assume that nature will balance itself, and that things will be okay once the drought is over (if that ever happens), but for now, I feel bad for the ladybeetles.

 This one didn't seem to find anything to eat, either.

Backyard Bird of the Day:
 Yellow-shafted flicker. Sorry for the bad focus, it was taken through a window screen and dirty window.

Jumping spiders for Arachnid Appreciation:

When I first saw this I wondered if there is such a thing as an albino spider. But I think it's just a light color.

Captured a leaf hopper

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