Tuesday, February 4, 2020

January Snows Bring February Flower Buds

Today in the backyard:

 Snow fleas...

 And snow. The last remnants of our snow from about two and a half weeks ago. I can't believe there's any still around. This is a small pile left in the cul-de-sac by the snowplow. Given that today I think we hit 50ºF, it's surprising it hasn't all melted.

Also, winter ants:

 This one was on the favorite tree of the candy striped leaf hoppers.

 This candy striped leaf hopper was on a different tree, of the same species. (I did see one on the favorite tree).

 A tiny caterpillar is turning into a tiny moth inside this pupal case. Actually, for all I know it has already changed, and will wait for spring to emerge, or it is still fully caterpillar and will wait until spring to change. All I know is, that's a pupal case, about an eight of an inch long, made by two pieces of a leaf that the caterpillar cut out and stuck together, and then attached to a tree trunk for the winter.

 A few more springtails were around today.

 And one fly, which I was a little surprised to find, given that it was not a sunny day, so it could not bask in the apricity.

 Winter crane fly or midge, I am not sure.

I was NOT happy to see this:
 But this is why I wear my tick-repellent pants for my bug walk every time, even in February.

 I don't appreciate this arachnid...

But I do have one for Arachnid Appreciation:
Not a cooperative spider.

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