Thursday, June 15, 2017

Seeking, Not Finding

There's just not much to say here today. This is a blog about what I see in my backyard, and I didn't see much today (aside from the million you-know-whats that you are probably as tired of hearing about as I am tired of seeing, hearing, and squishing). I am at a loss as to why there aren't more bugs around; am I just mis-remembering what the bug population should be this time of year? It seems like there aren't many flowers blooming; should there be more flowers blooming? But the multiflora rose is blooming, and it's not attracting bugs. It was hot, but now it's cool again, we had a lot of rain, but now it has been over a week since we got a real rain shower... I don't know.

I saw my first dragonfly of the season today. It zoomed by my head–not a ghost of a chance to get a picture. I told it to go eat some gypsy moth caterpillars. It probably didn't listen.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Lately there has been a woeful and worrisome lack of bees in my backyard, so I was pleased today to see several–several species, in fact, as well as several different individuals of some of the species. There were quite a few bees attracted to this bush. I have never been able to figure out what it is, but the flowers are pretty and smell amazing. Obviously the bees liked it today. I am afraid it is invasive, though.

 Anyone else think that when bees have their wings lying flat over their backs that they look like superhero capes? No, just me? Okay.

Other Bugs:
 Lady beetle

 Can you spot the moth? I hope so, because I didn't get a closer shot of it. Actually, there were quite a lot of moths around today, now that I think of it, they just didn't want to be photographed.

 Some kind of plant bugs

Arachnid Appreciation:

 Jumping spider on the storm door

From the other side of the door

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