Friday, June 2, 2017

A Short Walk

Today's bug walk was cut very short by thunder. There was sun, and then rain, and then sun and rain together, but the one constant was the thunder that rumbled for most of the afternoon. And I didn't even get a rainbow out of it.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Katydid nymph. Yesterday I was thinking about how I had not yet seen any katydid nymphs in the backyard, and I thought it was the right time for them, because I have photographed them on the clematis before, and the clematis is blooming. And then I saw one, though I didn't get a worthwhile picture of it. So here is one today, on the clematis.

Aaaaand, that's all I have for you from my bug walk. I took pictures of only one other bug, and they came out out of focus because the bug didn't want its picture taken. While I was trying on that one, the thunder started, and never let up until evening. I did tell you it was a short bug walk.

 I did take a picture of this moth on the screen door; it appeared there last night, and was there all day. When I got home tonight at about 11:00 it was still there.

Mom, stop reading here, and don't scroll down. There's nothing else you want to see.

According to the State Entomologist, the fungus is working, and killing the gypsy moth caterpillars, but you'd never know it from my yard. Today they were crawling everywhere–on the driveway, on the porch, all over the house...

This one was taunting me by dancing on its thread in front of the window. Not also the rain drops on the glass–the rain had just started.

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