Friday, June 21, 2019

Spontaneous Bug Search

I wasn't going to do a bug walk today because I didn't have the time and it was raining again today, but I saw a cool spider when I went outside to get the mail, so I had to go inside and get my camera, and then once I was out there taking pictures of the spider I looked around, and one thing led to another, and...

I didn't do a full bug walk. I did look around for bugs though.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
 Some kind of plant bug

Other Bugs:

 I saw this after my non-bug walk, and had to take the picture with a cellphone. It was windy (of course, it's always windy these days), so it's kind of blurry. But this is the eastern tiger swallowtail caterpillar I saw a few days ago.

 In spite of the fact that it was raining a bit (like it does pretty much every day now; I think we've had a month's worth of rain this week), there were bumblebees feeding on the raspberries).

 Katydid nymph

I think it is funny that I can barely identify more than a few species of caterpillar, but some I can recognize by their discarded skins:
 White marked tussock moth caterpillar

 And here it is, on the other end of the leaf.



Arachnid Appreciation:
 This is a new species of spider for me, I think. This is from when I startled it and it dropped down onto this milkweed leaf.

 This is from when it moved back up among the milkweed flower buds.

Jumping spider on milkweed

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