Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Night Bugs

I didn't do a bug walk today because the temperature this afternoon was just a couple of degrees above freezing, so I didn't think there was much point, but it warmed up a little bit later, and when I got home after an evening out found quite a lot of bugs on the front porch. There's one I think I will even name as Backyard Bug of the Day, even though I didn't get a good picture of it.

Backyard Bug of the Day:
See? Not a good picture. It was on the ceiling, and even standing on a chair I couldn't get a close shot because it was too high up, and pretty dark.

Here's the picture zoomed in. I guess this is a fly of some kind, but not one I have seen before, I don't think. I think the black and white stripes are cool, thus the Backyard Bug of the Day designation.

Here's the rest of the bugs from the porch:
 A couple of moths, not all of which I was able to get pictures of.

Some springtails

Several of these bugs, which I think are the same ones I see swarming during the day.

 This ladybug was not on the front porch.
It is on my blog notes. It was flying around the living room last night and landed on my shirt. I knew we had a few invaders, but they have been hanging out on a skylight too high for me to capture them. But if you land on my shirt, you get sent outside, house rules.

Arachnid Appreciation:
Also on the front porch this evening. Because if there are bugs to eat, there will be spiders to eat them.

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