Sunday, December 28, 2014

I Know Nothing

It's kind of amazing the number of things in the backyard that are a complete mystery to me. And I don't mean just the fact that of the thousand species of bugs I have seen (Just a random number - I have not counted them), I can only identify a handful by name. I mean the number of things I look at and can't identify what kind of thing they are at all. Bug? Fungus? Rock? Bird poop? Flower? Tiny alien from space?

Like this thing:
It looks like a tiny insect exoskeleton stuck to... something resembling foam insulation, but I really don't know what it is.

Here's the cutest things I saw in the backyard today:
 A couple of springtails on the garden fence. I saw one of them spring. If only I had clicked the shutter button at the right moment...

It often happens that I spend a long time walking around the backyard finding nothing, nothing, nothing, and then I find a whole bunch of things in the same place. Today's bug hangout was the garden shed:
 Nobody unusual, just a higher concentration of bugs than the rest of the yard (unless you count the springtails that were everywhere because it rained a bit in the morning).

 I don't' know what this is - either part of a dead bug or an old chrysalis of some kind are my guesses.

There were others besides those pictured here, but they were too high up for me to get pictures.

And of course, all these bugs on the garden shed means there was also something for Arachnid Appreciation:

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