Saturday, April 27, 2024

I Can't Think of a Good Title For This Post

 It's late, and I'm tired, so let's just get to the pictures...

Except I have to tell the story of today's Backyard Bug of the Day:

We were outside doing yard work, pulling up invasive plants in front of the bedrock in front of the house when this grasshopper hopped in front of me. I didn't have my camera outside, because of the kind of work we were doing, so I took a picture with my phone, and kept on working. When we were done, and were getting ready to go for our walk, I got my camera, with the ridiculous hope that I could just go down in front of the house and find the grasshopper sitting where I had seen it. Well, it wasn't exactly where it had been, but somehow I did find it (it hopped again, that certainly helped), and here it is. It's not that unusual for me to see a grasshopper this early in the year, but usually I see nymphs around this time, not adults. And not this species, which is a rare one for me.

Okay, here's the rest of what I saw today, in order of the pictures being taken:

Hickory seeds?

Tachnid flies

Frog. We had another freeze last night, and even though it was a pretty warm afternoon, we didn't see many frogs.

Crane fly

Caddisfly that's kind of worse for wear.

Female march fly

Crane fly female ovipositing in the ground

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