Friday, April 26, 2024

Distant Bees

 Spring arrives in fits, and starts, and sudden rushes. The sudden rush this week in a proliferation of green and blooms. But the temperature kind of sputters and stutters–we go from a glorious, warm day to a chilly one, and from a pleasant afternoon to an overnight freeze. I was worried about all of the flowers last night when the temperature dropped below freezing, although I needn't have–the blooms were still there in the morning. I wasn't worried about the insects–they survived the winter, I figured they could survive another freezing night. I didn't see as many of them today, but with so many blooming flowers, there was incentive for the bees to emerge from whatever shelter they weathered the frost in and have a feast.

Unfortunately for me, much of that feasting took place way above my head:

Do you see the bee against that gorgeous, blue sky?

There are two bees in this shot of the first blooms on a flowering crab apple.

I took a short bug walk in the backyard this afternoon, and since I didn't find much I also brought my camera with me when I went for a walk in the woods later. It's Friday, and we were at our leisure, so I had time to take pictures as we meandered through the sunny woods–I am loving the longer days, and since there aren't many leaves on the trees yet the woods are drenched in sunshine:

And ferns. Lots of ferns.

Backyard Bug of the Day:

Stonefly. Not a winter stonefly, the species I see, well, in the winter. I don't know what this species is called, though. Spotted on a skunk cabbage leaf, just inches away from...

This tiny fly.

There are some species of insects that are so difficult to photograph that if I get a decent photo of one it will automatically be Backyard Bug of the Day. Today was not the day for this bee fly:

Have I mentioned how frustrating it can be to photograph insects?

Actually, looking at it magnified, I am not even sure if it is a bee fly. Well, I am pretty sure.

Okay, what else did I see today...


Blooming sassafras...

Twice-stabbed lady beetle

Actually, I saw two of them.

An apparently-gravid female crane fly

Two water striders, a stonefly, and another tiny insect

There are other insects here, too.

There's a green film on part of the big pond, and I don't know if it's pollen or some kind of algae:

Today wasn't very warm, and it had cooled into the 50s while we were in the woods, so when we reached the big pond, which was in the shade of the hill as the sun set, I didn't expect to see any frogs, but:

Female March fly

Things are looking grim for the salamander larvae in the small pond. The pond is dry now, with no rain on the way. I am so sad about this. I hate that it keeps happening. As wonderful as nature is, and as awe-inspiring, sometimes it's hard to watch.

I don't love everything about spring. I don't love that the poison ivy comes back:

Although, it is pretty in the spring.

Arachnid Appreciation:













Bowl and doily spider

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