Saturday, April 24, 2021

Trees Are Blooming

 I was so busy doing other things that I totally forgot to do my blog post for today, and now it's really late and I want to go to bed. This is the consequence of not writing a daily post for a while. Anyway, I did two partial bug walks today, so I have a few things, but given how long it takes to load pictures, I am just going to do one right now. If you are seeing this message, come back later, after having a look at Backyard Bug of the Day:

I did two short, partial bug walks today, and was happy to find a few bugs. It was a gorgeous day, and things are blooming, so I had hoped for a few more, but I am happy for what I was able to get. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera on my various trips into the woods (for a picnic and to do some work) because I saw some really cool stuff there, but my regular backyard was at least somewhat obliging.

Backyard Bug of the Day:

Crane fly. While I was out walking in the woods I saw a female crane fly ovipositing (laying eggs), and really wished I had my camera with me. This male, however, was very cooperative at least.

Other Bugs:

Beetle in a dandelion

There is one flower blooming right now on the crab apple tree in my backyard, and it is very popular. It' near the top of the tree, so that's why this is a picture taken from a distance. Flowers are blooming all over the woods, but generally very high up. Today I saw a butterfly in the woods, I think a mourning cloak, and it was flitting among the treetops. I watched it checking out a few trees, and then it landed among the blooming flowers of a tree, about thirty or so feet up. I don't know what kind of tree it was, but I am sure there were lots of other bugs up there with the butterfly that I could not see from the ground. It's like there is a whole world up there that we are not a part of.

Stilt bug
There were ants on each budding leaf of this small tree:

And a fly.
Rove beetle

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