Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Learning Nothing

I ate my lunch outside today, and the whole time I was dining, I was watching a bug on a milkweed plant about ten feet away from me. I figured I should probably grab my camera and go take some pictures of it, because even though I couldn't see exactly what it was, I could tell it would be a good find for today. But I didn't want to interrupt my lunch, so I just kept watching the bug, and figuring that since it had been wandering around on the plant for quite a while, there was a pretty good chance it would stay there until I finished my lunch. Then, just as I was finishing up, I saw it crawl down the stem into the grass. There should be a lesson in there about procrastinating, except that I was still able to find it to take picture, because it really stands out and I could see it crawling around in the grass, and when it crawled onto a plant that I didn't mind plucking, it meant I could take the pictures standing up, instead of crouched down low, trying to get shots on a milkweed plant that is probably not even a foot tall yet. So I basically did not learn any good character-building lessons from this. Hopefully I've got enough character for now. I write a bug blog, maybe that's character enough?

Obviously, that bug is Backyard Co-Bug of the Day #1:
 Milkweed leaf beetle

 My favorite thing about it is that it is partly blue, my favorite color. I am ignoring that the rest of it is orange, my least favorite color.

 It is one of many milkweed insects. In fact, there are other milkweed beetles.

I told my husband today that whenever he sees a good photo of a butterfly, he should be impressed. I said that because I have a great deal of difficulty taking good pictures of butterflies, so when anyone manages it, everyone should acknowledge their skill, and probably their tenacity. And possibly, as in the case of this next picture, just their sheer luck. Backyard Co-Bug of the Day #2:
 I didn't even know that I took this picture. That is to say, I was taking pictures of this American copper butterfly when it flew off. I just didn't know that I actually captured this shot. Most of the other pictures I took, the ones where the butterfly was actually sitting still, are not worth posting, but this lucky shot is the only reason I am even posting this butterfly at all.

 Problem number one: I couldn't get close to it. But here's a look at the underside of the wings.

Other Bugs:
 I wonder how many times in the last couple of weeks I have walked right past this caterpillar?

Possibly copper underwing moth

 Sawfly larva

 These little wasps are still swarming around the cinquefoil-filled area of the yard, flying low and tussling with each other.

 Flower beetle of some kind

I saw two species of click beetles today:

 You probably can't tell from the pictures, but one is more than twice the size of the other one.


 I didn't notice the bug in this shot when I took the picture. Can you see it?


 Hover fly on dame rocket

 I didn't notice the beetle when I took the picture.

 Somewhere in there is a spittle bug nymph.

 Twenty-spotted lady beetle

You know I am have a live-and-let-live policy with insects, and as long as they are not harming me or my house, I let them do their thing, but this wasp nest on our picnic umbrella had to go. Not just for our convenience and safety, but because it's just not a good place for a nest. We lower the umbrella frequently, because when it's windy it has a tendency to take off, and it's windy a lot.

 Backyard Bird of the Day:
 I can't help but wonder if this is the turkey whose nest was raided, and now, not having eggs or pullets to take care of, she's just wandering around on her own.

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